Ethan Wise is a certified PSYCH-K® healing and wellness facilitator. PSYCH-K® is a well-accepted Psychological Kinesiology system, developed by Robert M. Williams, M.A in 1988. It was tested extensively for 10 years before being offered to the public. Endorsed by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (author of Biology of Belief). PSYCH-K® is a safe, easy, non-invasive, and an effective way to dissolve resistance to change at the subconscious level.
PSYCH-K allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
- a safe, non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 25 years!
- a simple, yet very powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging
- a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience
research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom such - a ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.
- a process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction
Psychological Kinesiology (PSYCH-K®) is a user-friendly way to “rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life.”
Our beliefs are the foundation of our personality. These beliefs are the result of lifelong “programming,” and represent a powerful influence on human behavior. It is from our beliefs that we form attitudes about the world and ourselves, and from these attitudes we develop behaviors. Beliefs have far-reaching consequences, both positive and negative, in every area of our life. They affect our mood, relationships, job performance, self-esteem and even physical health. It is imperative that we know how to identify beliefs that are limiting us and how to change them into beliefs that support us.
Decades of research have been conducted on what has been termed the “brain dominance” theory. Findings indicate that each hemisphere of the brain tends to specialize in and preside over different functions, process different kinds of information, and deal with different kinds of problems. Though it is the natural ability to operate simultaneously out of both sides of the brain, life experiences often trigger a dominance of one side over the other when responding to specific situations. The more emotionally charged the experience, the more likely that the conclusion we draw from it will be stored for future reference, and when faced with similar life experiences in the future, we automatically over identify with only one hemisphere of the brain.
These conclusions (i.e. beliefs, attitudes, values, etc.) drawn from past experiences are stored in the subconscious mind. While we may be mostly unaware of their influence on us, they “direct” our observable actions and behaviors. These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life’s challenges. They form the basis for our actions and reactions to each new situation in our lives. The ability to perform effectively, both personally and professionally is profoundly affected by such beliefs as “I am good enough”, “I am safe”, “I am worthy & deserving” or “I am prosperous”. Beliefs establish the limits of what we can achieve. As Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t…you’re right!” This is especially true when the beliefs are subconscious.
Most of us agree, and behavioral scientists confirm, that our behaviors are a direct reflection of our beliefs, perceptions and values, generated from past experiences. Scientific research has also found that the human cell actually stores memory and is capable of being reprogrammed.
Some of the science behind muscle testing: With regard the science associated with “Muscle Reading” Research indicates that there is a significant difference in the strength of a tested muscle, depending on whether the words spoken by the conscious mind resonate as true within the subconscious. Muscle testing is an ideal way in which to initiate communication between all three major aspects of mind and brain. The specific muscle tests used in PSYCH-K® have been adapted from those used by an approach to health care, called Systematic Kinesiology.
The control of a session rests with the client. All sessions are customised to the very specific needs of each individual client. Everything that takes place in a PSYCH-K® session is determined by the client and not by the facilitator. The role of the facilitator being very clearly defined as assisting a client through PSYCH-K® processes rather than doing PSYCH-K® on a client. The bottom line is that the client is very definitely in control. Only those PSYCH-K® processes and changes of belief, which resonate as useful and appropriate are ever used, with the direction of each session being determined by those ideas and statements which result in a strong muscle test. Thus PSYCH-K® is very much an approach to personal development and to therapy which mixes the ideas formed in the conscious aspects of the mind with the perceptions embedded within the subconscious.
Making changes in your subconscious belief systems: The easiest way to replace a negative belief statement is to install a positive (counter) belief. For example, I expect to succeed to replace I expect to fail. And the easiest way to achieve such a switch is to get all three mini-brains working in synchronisation.
The heightened coordination of brain activity resolves any nagging negative beliefs, which might have been bothering you. Very quickly, the negative belief is replaced by the positive affirmation, within your subconscious. Repeated case study evidence is that the process works pretty much all of the time. And there are a half dozen slightly more sophisticated balances, from which you can select…and which can affect change in more powerful ways.
Introduction by Bruce Lipton
The Science Behind PSYCH-K
Start your healing today. Contact us to schedule your friendly & productive session with Ethan Wise
Not every tool is good for everyone or every situation, see if PSYCH-K is appropriate for your needs with an intro session.
FAQs on PSYCH-K from
Question: What is PSYCH-K?
Answer: PSYCH-K is a unique and direct way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that limit your self-esteem, relationships, job performance, and even your physical health, and much more! PSYCH-K is popularly characterized as a spiritual process with psychological benefits. While “psych” is often used as an abbreviation for “psychology,” in our case it is used as a variant spelling of the word psyche, meaning “mind,” “soul,” or “spirit.”Thus the overall goal of PSYCH-K is to help you free your mind from beliefs that limit your recognition of yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience.
Question: Can I learn PSYCH-K from a book or a DVD?
Answer: We can certainly understand and empathize with the desire to be able to learn PSYCH-K from books or DVDs. However, the PSYCH-K processes are quite interactive and dynamic, which means that no book or DVD can adequately teach you all the possibilities. Also, neither a book nor a DVD would allow for observation and coaching of your facilitation skills, which is a key learning opportunity with a Certified Instructor in a live workshop. If you want to learn to ride a horse, you might read a lot, and watch videos, but eventually you have to mount an actual horse. That’s when you find out there’s a lot more to it than you can learn just by watching a video or reading a book! That’s when you want an experienced Instructor at your side.We realize that we could save a lot of time, and make it more convenient for everybody by selling DVDs for people to learn PSYCH-K. Our originator, Rob Williams, would love it if PSYCH-K could be effectively taught by video. But it can’t. So for the benefit of all those who want to learn it correctly, we hand pick, and extensively train, Certified Instructors to bring it to you.
Question: How can PSYCH-K help me?
Answer: Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. If your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conflict can show up in your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletics, weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health.
Question: Can PSYCH-K help me at work?
Answer: Yes! You can reduce stress, improve sales performance, enhance your leadership ability, increase your job satisfaction, and more.
Question: What is a PSYCH-K Balance?
Answer: A PSYCH-K Balance is a process designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This “Whole-Brain State” is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that support your goals rather than block them!
Question: How is PSYCH-K different from Hypnosis?
Answer: One of our Certified Instructors who is also a Certified Hypnotherapist offers these distinctions:Hypnosis places authority in the therapist, while PSYCH-K gives equal or greater authority to the partner (client).Hypnosis usually requires a trance state, while PSYCH-K works without such a state.Hypnosis may have no spiritual foundation, depending on the therapist. PSYCH-K is always a spiritual process because it’s designed that way.Hypnosis usually has no permission protocols; it’s assumed to be helpful. In PSYCH-K there are always spiritual permission protocols, i.e., contact with your Higher-Self via muscle testing, so we ensure that your belief changes are in your highest and best good, and are not well intentioned, but misguided goals, that can actually make things worse, rather than better.In hypnosis the partner or client must disclose often painful or embarrassing personal information. In PSYCH-K, this information can remain private if the partner prefers.PSYCH-K is more of a team process between partner and facilitator, more “do with” rather than “do to.”At least three hypnotherapists also trained in PSYCH-K say that they typically get the same or better results in half the time (or less) using PSYCH-K instead of hypnotherapy.
Question: How does PSYCH-K differ from other ‘Self-Help’ modalities?
Answer: PSYCH-K differs from other modalities in a variety of ways. While all change processes have value, there are important differences among them that make a difference. Many of these contrasts are addressed in Chapter 7 of Rob Williams’ book PSYCH-K… The Missing Piece Peace In Your Life. To view the contents of Chapter 7, click the following link: The Differences That Make a Difference.
Question: How does PSYCH-K work?
Answer: PSYCH-K is a unique process evolving from years of brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive, “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. The subconscious can be accessed in a way analogous to a personal computer. PSYCH-K works as a kind of ‘mental keyboard’ — a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable. We listed above neuroscience research about the Whole-Brain State.
Question: How did PSYCH-K come to be?
Answer: PSYCH-K was originated in 1988 by Robert M. Williams, M.A. It was a response to the frustration that came with the realization that typical counseling techniques, which rely almost exclusively on “insight” and “motivation,” seldom create real and lasting changes. Rob has spent more than 25 years developing and improving PSYCH-K. His backgrounds in both business and psychotherapy create a results-oriented approach to personal change. PSYCH-K was inspired by a variety of processes, some contemporary and some ancient. It deals with the part of the mind called the subconscious, which is capable of creating dramatic and lasting changes, quickly and easily.
Question: Why haven’t I heard of PSYCH-K before?
Answer: Until 1997, Rob was the only person teaching PSYCH-K. Now there’s a growing number of hand picked Certified Instructors teaching PSYCH-K courses all over the world. PSYCH-K has been growing in popularity for over 25 years! It’s not the latest fad in personal development that is usually untested and unproven. Instead, it’s a proven method for personal growth that has a strong spiritual component, not often found in other systems. It’s a unique approach to subconscious belief change that is now being recognized as a breakthrough in personal growth and spiritual evolution. In short, you’ll be hearing a lot more about PSYCH-K in the future!
The balancing process
Start your healing today. Contact us to schedule your friendly & productive session with Ethan Wise.