As a mind-body health practitioner, I help my clients holistically, truly holistically. The word holistic is over-used today as a marketing term however I could not emphasize how important it is that the holistic approach, the truly holistic (mind-body) approach is the best approach. In fact, mind-body medicine is the original medicine!
If you are suffering now please know that there is hope! If you are stuck please know there is hope. I promise you that there is hope! There is so much that can be done that the mainstream allopathic system does not offer patients. Please know that you are a Mind and a Body, you are physical and energetic, you are chemistry and mental energy combined, and a lot more!
Mind-body, holistic medicine is the original medicine. Research now has proven beyond the shadow of doubt the reality of the mind and body connection, in fact I am here to tell you that the mind and body are one unit. Miracles happen daily and they happen within you. But we need others to help, we are human and we exist here to 1- accept help 2- give help. Once the blockages, toxins, and obstacles are removed from your mind and body …and nourishment, positive ideas, skills, nutrition is added in, the miracles manifest.
Immediate pain relief without medications is possible, long-term relief is also a reality.
This work is an art more than a science, yet science is crucially important in the health field. The healing arts are an art because it takes skill and intuition, not just knowledge, to help a mind-body person to heal.
Is the artificial divide now closed? Not yet.
I do my part If you have a chronic persistent health issue (mental or physical) contact me I will help.