The short answer is yes. PSYCH-K is a technique that utilizes belief statements, muscle testing, and the whole brain posture which includes hemispheric lateralization. The postures used are referred to as “balances”. Hemispheric lateralization or balancing refers to the activation of both of the hemispheres of the brain. The functions of the right and left […]
Search results for psych-k
How Does PSYCH-K Work?
PSYCH-K® is a unique process evolving from years of brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive, “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. PSYCH-K Utilizes belief statements, muscle testing, and the whole brain state which includes hemispheric lateralization. Hemispheric lateralization or balancing refers to […]
What is PSYCH-K
PSYCH-K stands for Psychological Kinesiology. It is a tool developed by Robert M. Williams in 1988 with the goal of changing beliefs in the subconscious mind. Subconscious beliefs are often the “invisible” cause of self-sabotaging behaviors. The PSYCH-K program was designed to help people change the way they feel, behave and interact in life. PSYCH-K […]
PSYCH-K in Minnesota, Arizona, Nation...
Ethan Wise is a certified PSYCH-K® healing and wellness facilitator. PSYCH-K® is a well-accepted Psychological Kinesiology system, developed by Robert M. Williams, M.A in 1988. It was tested extensively for 10 years before being offered to the public. Endorsed by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (author of Biology of Belief). PSYCH-K® is a safe, easy, non-invasive, […]
Brain Gym
Note: All the information in this article is being shared solely for educational purposes and provided the public information in order to help individuals help themselves and loved ones. Let this be a blessing for you and others. Share. Scroll down to find exercises and postures that you can use. I offer my gratitude to […]
Male Sexual Performance Enhancement C...
Available in-person and online. This program is designed to support clients holistically by removing of negative beliefs, re-programming the mind, re-programming the body, re-connecting the mind-body, learning to listen to the body, move energy, along with nutritional and herbal education. I use various hypnosis techniques along with other approaches to work with the subconscious mind […]
I base my manifestation training, coaching, and workshops on the works of these authors and schools of thought: Wallace Wattles (the science of getting rich), Phineas Quimby (mesmerist 1802–1866), Ernest Shurtleff Holmes (Science of Mind magazine, 1887 – 1960), H. Emilie Cady (Lessons in Truth, 1848 – 1941), Charles Fillmore (The Revealing Word, Unity Church), Ramana Maharshi, […]
Theory, Therapies, and Techniques
Theory Behind The Practice It’s always important to remember that “all healing is self healing”, while that is the reality, being human, we all need help now and then. In order to restore balance, help process feelings and events, help heal from pain, optimize the body’s innate healing mechanisms, get unstuck, and to empower a […]
The Many Paths To Healing Trauma
Many therapeutic paths exist to working on healing trauma. Trauma comes in many forms, from obvious capital “T” Trauma to chronic and small “t” trauma. Most (if not all) of humans have experienced one or more traumatic experience by the end of their teen years. This article attempts to -very briefly- list some of these […]
Reprogramming the subconscious mind
Understanding what your subconscious beliefs are allows us to make positive changes. Together, I help you discover and balance your subconscious beliefs to align with the beliefs you choose to live by! We also align your brain and gut. We explore hidden beliefs, programmed beliefs, hidden emotions, and trauma. We accomplish this by blending cognitive […]
Hire Ethan
Greetings! Thank you for visiting my website. I am passionate and active in bringing knowledge and healing to individuals and groups. Uniquely working with both the mind and body and bridging the artificial divide, in doing so I bring holism and holistic healing to many. I see clients suffering with chronic disease and pain, physical […]
Trauma Release Sessions with Ethan Wi...
If you wish you could: Release, let go, get empowered, and transmute trauma to growth. Be free. End emotional pain. End suffering. Re-connect with yourself. Re-connect with others. Now, you can. With an approach that is well-informed and balanced, you will receive a blend and a distillation of the best approaches that have been known […]
General Self-Care & Wellness Str...
This article will introduce you to general tips that can help you make lasting change, face certain health issues and fears and increase the level of enjoyment in your life: Find a support network: This can include sober friends, friends who share your interests, friends who are living in a manner that you wish yourself to […]
Total Weight Loss & Weight Manag...
In the US, we are a fat nation getting fatter and less healthy. As we all know, many illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, chronic pain, PCOS, hermonal imbalances and cancer are related to excess weight. Despite a plethora of weight loss diet books, 97% of lost weight is regained within one year! […]
Healthcare Consults At Wise MindBody ...
Intake sessions: Before the session an intake form is sent to you. Intake sessions are followed up by email, text or call, included in the rate. We start our therapeutic work during this intake session Clients who utilize these consults suffer with conditions such as: Trauma Anxiety, stress & insomnia Depression Menopause Allergies […]
Writing Your Own Positive Suggestions...
A great way to begin any self-hypnosis program is to ask yourself what your goals are, and then prioritize them in order of importance. You have to be careful not to overwhelm the subconscious by trying to tackle too many issues at once. Start with whatever is the most pressing issue for you, and go […]
The Trinity Experience
This is a package of 3 sessions, each allowing you to sample and fully experience a unique therapeutic healing approach. Select three from this list: Hypnosis (and related experiences, trance, pain blocking, self hypnosis, imagery, mental travel, body scanning, progressive relaxation, etc) Muscle Testing (test for foods, supplements, belief statements, unconscious programming, hidden beliefs, […]
Fatigue & Insomnia
Questions for You Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? Do you wake up several times during the night? Do you often wake up more tired than when you went to bed? Does sleep medication fail to give you the sleep you crave and leave you feeling drowsy the following day? Importance […]
Anxiety: Defined Anxiety is defined as “mental uneasiness” or “distress arising from fear of what may happen.” It has several different manifestations. Individuals suffering from panic disorder experience recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. Those with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) chronically worry too much about a variety of things, and experience symptoms such as restlessness, agitation, […]
CES and Depression
When drugs have many serious negative side effects, other options need to be considered. People who are depressed have a demonstrable imbalance in the neurotransmitters which affect their moods and emotions. What they need is a safe and effective way to restore that balance with minimal side effects. Skills, Hypnosis, PSYCH-K, Herbs, Nutrition, and even […]
Questions for You Is your life not as fulfilling as you’d like? Do you feel empty, angry, lonely, or just tired all the time? Wish you had more zest? Has life lost its meaning? Sadness or downswings in mood are normal reactions to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments. Many people use the word “depression” […]
CES Ultra
We are the Minnesota retailer for CES Ultra, the leading and doctor-preferred, FDA registered, cranial electrical stimulation (CES) device that is proven to offers relief from depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, and insomnia. Get Relief from Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia — Without Medication The CES Ultra is a medical device for the treatment of stress and […]
Keywords Page
A page with keywords that relate to the offerings, healing, and services provided by Wise MindBody Healing Mind-body medicine mind-body therapies Natural Health Facts, Natural healing facts, Mind-body healing, mind-body therapies, naturopathic wisdom, naturopathic healing facts, energy psychology, body-mind facts, mind-body facts, bioenergetics, trauma release, emotions and health finding wholeness wholeness wellness complementary and alternative […]
“Health centered on healing – Ethan commitment for real health is evident.” – Laura Hedlund – Food Freedom Radio AM950 “Ethan is a rare healing expert-a lifelong learner who willingly shares his expanding knowledge for the benefit of his clients. He is as caring and thorough as he is Wise.” – Dr. Shaun Weaver McKee […]
Autism & Food Sensitivity
You could test your autistic child (or for that matter, an adult, or any person) for food allergies or sensitivities to anything through muscle testing. The body will communicate to us, via the unconscious mind and autonomic nervous system letting us know how it responds to these foods. A skilled practitioner is not only able […]
Services & Conditions
. Congratulations, you’ve just found the integrative & holistic health care that you deserve! Coaching Offerings Online Sessions Physical Issues Bereavement-support Tinnitus relief Phantom limb pain relief Beliefs and emotional mind balancing sessions Loss Trauma healing (including complex and chronic) Chronic pain Post-surgical pain and healing Joint pain Neck pain Back pain Neuropathic and Spinal cord […]
Adult Intimate Connection and Communi...
Many of the problems couples face start in psychological processes, trapped emotions, negative experiences, unexpressed hurt, emotional charges, trauma, fears, anxiety, or erroneous beliefs in the unconscious mind. Causes of imbalances are always multi-factorial. Ethan specializes in psychological and emotional blocks, psychosomatic, and psychosexual intimacy problems along with these resulting from an imbalance in the […]
Ethan’s Favorite People & ...
This page will list some of my favorite physicians and researches that I have followed and studied over the years. My own knowledge comes from courses that I took and over 10 years of research and studying the recommendations of these individuals. These individuals are my heroes. In this page I mention them to honor […]
About Ethan E. Wise, MA
Thank you for visiting Wise MindBody Healing online! My name is Ethan E. Wise. This page exists as a gesture of transparency. What I Do I have a Masters (MA) degree in Counseling and Psychological Services from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. In my practice, I function as your alternative counselor and coach. My training […]