Supplements and nutrients helpful with pre-diabetes and diabetes. The list below is shared as an educational tool and as a point of research for readers. Consult additional sources to learn more on how each of these nutrients might be beneficial in cases of diabetes. A good multivitamin & multi-mineral Vitamin Full-Spectrum E Bioflavonoids (Mixed) […]
Search results for diabetes
Drs. Weil, Palmer, Axe and Dr. Hoffer...
This post contains text that was selectively copied and pasted from different authors. All rights belong to the original authors. Click the links under each section to read more from them since the text below is only a selection of what they wrote. Shared here for educational purposes only. Quotes: From Dr. Weil What therapies […]
Schizophrenia Information, herbs, vit...
The article below is from this link: It is being copied and shared below for posterity and for educational purposes only. Visit the original link above to see any updates that the original author may have made. I offer immense thanks to Ray Sahelian for his incredible and detailed work. All credits go to […]
Bell’s palsy
The articles below are shared for educational purposes: Bell’s palsy involves dysfunction of a nerve that controls facial muscles, resulting in weakness or paralysis of one side, or more rarely both sides, of the face. Most people with Bell’s palsy partially recover without treatment within two to three weeks, achieving full recovery within three or […]
Integrative Interventions with Antivi...
The information below is shared for educational purposes and to promote research. Integrative Interventions with Antiviral Properties from Life Extension Given the suspected role of herpes virus reactivation in some cases of Bell’s palsy (Kennedy 2010), natural agents shown to combat viral infection may be of some benefit for those affected by Bell’s palsy, […]
Dr. Blaylock on Fats and Oils
Below is a collection of information and text from Dr. Blaylock on fats shared here for education and for the purpose of promoting research. Ethan Wise doesn’t necessarily endorse all the ideas shared below. Good Fats • Extra-virgin olive oil • Omega-3 fats (fish oil, DHA and flaxseed oil) • EPA- eicosapentaenoic acid • DHA- […]
What is Mind-Body Medicine?
My goal is to bridge the gap between the mind and the body, to optimize the body in order to help the mind and psychology, and to use the mind (conscious and subconscious) to help optimize physical health. In order to achieve this, I offer a number of mind-body therapies including relaxation, imagery, biofeedback, meditation, hypnosis, […]
Medical Hypnosis
Hypnosis can be an alternative or adjunct treatment for those in pain Pain is our body’s language to alert us that we need to pay attention. Pain has a function, however oftentimes pain becomes chronic. Hypnosis can help with any kind of pain, sever, or low grade chronic. P.E.T. scans show that hypnosis alleviates […]
The Longevity Supplementation Regimen...
Below you will find the supplements that I take, and what professionals recommend for longevity and anti-aging. This is a “general” list not customized to any individual. Use this as a starting point to base your research off. This article is for educational purposes only and to promote research. This is “not” medical advice in […]
Amazing Health Benefits of Black Cumi...
Nigella Sativa is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae. It is native to south and southwest Asia and it grows to about 20-30 cm (or 7.9-11.8 in) tall. Because of these black seeds, the plant can be called different names. It is known as black cumin, haba al baraksh and kalonji (from Hindi). Haba al baraksh […]
The Total Weight Loss Coaching Progra...
Nothing has worked? Ready to take ownership of your own reality? If you are ready to become empowered with knowledge, with emotional healing, and to embrace a new way of seeing yourself, you’ve found the right program for you. If you are sick of diets that don’t work, sick of numbers that move in the wrong direction.. […]
Total Weight Loss & Weight Manag...
In the US, we are a fat nation getting fatter and less healthy. As we all know, many illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, chronic pain, PCOS, hermonal imbalances and cancer are related to excess weight. Despite a plethora of weight loss diet books, 97% of lost weight is regained within one year! […]
The Amygdala, Limbic Lobe, Pons, and ...
This is an educational article and contains a collection of information from various sources. This article contains a brief description of terms I often use, it exists to assist my clients who are interested in doing some research. If you have questions please contact me. The amygdala is a group of nuclei in the medial […]
Prostate Cancer – A Raw Collect...
This article includes a collection of articles and emails that I have from multiple cancer researches. They are copied, and pasted here, for educational purposes and for posterity and to be used as a starting point of research for my clients. Consult with me for a streamlined, easy to follow, and customized herbal, nutraceutical, […]
Depression is the Leading Cause of Di...
By 2020, Depression will Become the Second Leading Cause of Disease Worldwide, The World Health Organization’s Predicts One out of ten people suffer from major depression and almost one out of five persons has suffered from this disorder during his (or her) lifetime (one-year prevalence is 10% and lifetime prevalence 17%) (Kessler et al 1994). By […]
Quick Fixes vs. Real Nutrition Fixes ...
As usual, the peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service published another news post that is worth reading and preserving. Find it below. It sheds some light on studies and how they are sometimes used as marketing tools, and how certain facts are overlooked when someone, including health professionals, take the side of a certain approach. I […]
Specific Supplements & Foods I U...
SPECIFIC SUPPLEMENTS, NUTRIENTS THAT I USE This list is a free resource we have created in the hope it will make your life a little easier. The quality of your supplements matters! Many companies add fillers and additives needlessly, some have been caught adding wrong ingredients altogether. Many of the over the counter supplements, especially […]
Is Beta Glucan The World’s Most...
Professor Somsak Varakamin of the Panacee Medical Center in Thailand describes beta glucan as “the world’s most powerful immune booster.” The article below is from an email newsletter, written by Lee Euler Professor Somsak Varakamin writes: “In a medical crisis, if you were limited to only one disease-fighting substance to protect your health and […]
Nutritional And Orthomolecular Mental...
In the series of articles titled “Nutritional And Orthomolecular Mental Health Treatments” I share (copy/paste) educational articles that highlight how orthomolecular medicine and nutritional therapies can impact mental health. These articles are shared for educational purposes and to promote research and debate. The articles below mention the following: ADHD, Alcoholism, Autism, Bipolar disorders, Depression, Schizophrenia, […]
Before You Buy CoQ10, Read This
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble, vitamin-like compound produced naturally by our bodies. Found in nearly every cell in the body, CoQ10 is concentrated in organs that require the most energy — such as the heart, liver, muscles and kidneys. CoQ10 is concentrated in these organs because it is essential to the process of producing cellular […]
Fatigue & Insomnia
Questions for You Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? Do you wake up several times during the night? Do you often wake up more tired than when you went to bed? Does sleep medication fail to give you the sleep you crave and leave you feeling drowsy the following day? Importance […]
Keywords Page
A page with keywords that relate to the offerings, healing, and services provided by Wise MindBody Healing Mind-body medicine mind-body therapies Natural Health Facts, Natural healing facts, Mind-body healing, mind-body therapies, naturopathic wisdom, naturopathic healing facts, energy psychology, body-mind facts, mind-body facts, bioenergetics, trauma release, emotions and health finding wholeness wholeness wellness complementary and alternative […]
Spring Forest QiGong Testimonials and...
Find testimonials and reviews written by healthcare professionals below on Chunyi Lin and Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) Deepak Chopra, M.D., best-selling author of Ageless Body,Timeless Mind and Quantum Healing. “Master Chunyi Lin has developed an easy-to-follow program” “Like yoga, qigong teaches you to balance energy in your body. Master Chunyi Lin has developed an […]
Article: How to Improve Your Vision W...
I have improved my vision by 2 full points using natural approaches infrequently. I’ve helped others improve their eye sight with various degrees of success. I am a true believer in the ability to enhance one’s eye sight using mind>body, awareness of the eye and muscles, certain exercises, habits, sunning, along with nutrition. Below you […]
Hypnotherapy Helps Over 200 Condition...
After consulting more than a dozen books, numerous medical and psychological journals, and prestigious hospital websites, I compiled this list of over 200 conditions and issues that hypnosis has been shown to help. Here’s the list: Abandonment Abdominal pain **1 Acne Addictions Age Regression Aggression Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces, crowds, or uncontrolled social conditions) […]
Article: Vitamin C Papers Hot off the...
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 26, 2017 Vitamin C Papers Hot off the Press by Robert G Smith, PhD (OMNS, Jan 26, 2017) Vitamin C is needed by the body to maintain health. It is a “macro-vitamin,” because although not required in large quantities to support energy metabolism, it is required in the diet in […]
Learn About the ANS, SNS, PNS, Vagus,...
This page contains a brief description of terms I often use, it exists to assist my clients who are interested in doing some research. If you have questions please contact me. You can find more pages like this by click on the research and resources category or by scrolling down to the tags then finding […]
Ethan’s Favorite People & ...
This page will list some of my favorite physicians and researches that I have followed and studied over the years. My own knowledge comes from courses that I took and over 10 years of research and studying the recommendations of these individuals. These individuals are my heroes. In this page I mention them to honor […]
Saffron Fights Cancer and Alzheimer’s...
This expensive herb is a super cancer remedy The text below is from: Saffron has been revered for its medicinal properties for 3,500 years. This highly prized spice appears in the works of Hippocrates, Galen and other famous clinicians of ancient times.It’s so expensive that fake or adulterated saffron is a common problem […]
Dandelion Root Causes Cancer Cell Sui...
by J. D. Heyes Originally published May 3 2016 (NaturalNews) A so-called “weed” growing right in your front and back yards could hold the key to being the most effective cancer-fighting compound in the world. Previous research, as well as recent research from the University of Windsor in Canada, has found that dandelion root […]