I offer a mediation service and therapy service to help a certain subset of the population to re-unite with a family member such as children, parents, siblings, alienated children, alienated adults, and estranged ones. I only take 4 cases a year.
This service is cash-based and structured differently than other therapy sessions. I work as a mediator to help get the estranged parties to communicate.
Results vary from a simple delivery of a message (or written letters), to complete reunification and healing of wounds. Healing (on either side) personally is also a common byproduct of this service.
Want to say sorry, want to help someone heal, or understand your reasons, or simply forgive you? I will serve as a mediator and therapist to help you both reconnect, help you deliver a message, and in some cases bring total healing and unification.
Three phases:
- Intake (10 hours of work on your case $400)
- Connection ($40/hr of work)
- Healing ($ varies based on need)
- Individual and/or system-wide
The safety and privacy of all parties is paramount. Everything I do is governed by strict privacy rules, boundaries, and equal respect for all involved parties.
Results vary widely among individuals and relationship types.
This is a private service. I do not work with attorneys or courts. Results are not guaranteed. In the case of minors, I don’t communicate with them without the consent of both guardians.
Contact me, Ethan Wise for details.
If you need to work on your own healing, contact me to schedule a therapy session with me, I specialize in trauma, subconscious mind, and somatic symptoms. Browse this website to learn about my approach.