In the US, we are a fat nation getting fatter and less healthy. As we all know, many illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, chronic pain, PCOS, hermonal imbalances and cancer are related to excess weight. Despite a plethora of weight loss diet books, 97% of lost weight is regained within one year!
Pharma drugs designed to suppress your appetite and increase fat burning do exist and gastric bypass or stomach staple surgery also exist, but these methods all come with significant potential side effects, they block critical pathways in your body, and thus are very intrusive causing trauma. This approach doesn’t align with our all-natural medication-free disease-free approach to health.

Measuring your weight loss progress
We work with nature, with your mind, body and energy to allow the body to do what it was designed to do, to heal and reach peak health. Mainstream approaches focus on one aspect, such as medication, or calorie cutting… We don’d do that here. We kick-start you and your body on a life-long health journey and empower you with lasting change, where you do not need the crutch of medication or the trauma of surgery.
Many know that weight gain is influenced by factors such as inactivity and poor diet.. We all heard it, “exercise more” but most of us are challenged in this regard.. It is time to end that guilt and inner conflict. We figure out how “you” can lose weight within the parameters of your own life and desires.
Few know that weight gain and obesity are also caused by food allergies, organ dysfunction, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, medications, hormone imbalance, lack of enzymes, an unhealthy gut microflora, clogged lymphatics, emotional stress, and unconscious programming!
It is not just as simple as eating less calories and going to the gym!
Losing weight, therefore, is not as simple as eating less and doing more. Many eat good diets yet never lose any weight. Many who are overweight actually eat sparingly and exercise vigorously everyday with no results!
Weight loss is very complex and all factors must be taken into consideration. It must be addressed holistically, and you need a practitioner with a tool-kit that is capable of handling the diversity of each individuals mind & body.
We take the complexity of the mind-body-energy individual and honor it, then we simplify our approach so that it makes sense and is easy to use.
We utilize multiple tools in our weight management, including:
Laser acupuncture and meridian stimulation.
Research has shown that stimulating acupuncture points suppresses your appetite and cravings, and can lead to a better mood, and having more energy, these go a long way in balancing the mind-body and thus helping boost weight loss.
Laser acupuncture is completely painless, safe and without side effects. There are no needles and the laser does not produce heat on your skin. A low-level laser beam from a cold laser machine is placed on acupuncture points specific to weight loss.
Laser acupuncture treatments have the following specific effects:
- Energize the body
- Maximize the absorption of nutrients
- Regulate elimination
- Control overeating and hunger cravings
- Decrease appetite
- Speed up metabolism
- Reduce anxiety
- Laser acupuncture therapy also stimulates the body to release endorphins, which have a calming and relaxing effect that makes it easier to deal with stress, frustration and anxiety that are common triggers of overeating and bingeing on fattening foods.
This revolutionary technology can help correct internal body imbalances and provide permanent and lasting results. For average patients one treatment twice a week until they reach their goal is recommended followed by maintenance sessions once every week or every two weeks for an additional three to four treatments.
While laser acupuncture by itself is very effective, a comprehensive and individual program that addresses the causes of weight gain increases the likelihood of success. A total weight loss program takes into account your present state of health and goals for losing weight, your emotional status, and digestive imbalances, toxicity, detox channels, leaky gut, and much more.
Our Weight Loss Program Has Arrived
Easy Weight Loss & A Low Price Coaching Packaged Together
More about Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Laser Acupuncture
Mental Health & Motivation Consults
Hypnosis (direct suggestion) and hypnotherapy (age regression and reprogramming deep old beliefs) is sometimes required for weight loss.
In addition, we do not ask you to be strong willed. The human “will” comes from the conscious mind, we work on changing the foundation of the conscious mind with hypnosis so that the change is deep and lasting, when you think differently you will no longer need “will power” any more!
We can detox your mind, spirit and unconscious programming using hypnosis.
We also utilize other approaches as needed, per each unique individual. In our tool box we rely on these additional emotional and mental health approaches:
- Hypnosis
- Psychological kinesiology PSYCH-K to reprogram the mind
- Visual, auditory and kinesthetic exercises for change
- Imagery
- Mindfulness training
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Solution-focused therapy
- Age regression to uncover the hidden part of you that is causing the weight issue.
Nutritional & Herbal Consults
Many suffering with weight gain are actually deficient in essential minerals or are unable to absorb or process certain vitamins. It isn’t always what you eat, sometimes it is what you are not eating that’s the problem. It is also often the case that it is what you are not getting rid of (detoxing) that is the problem.
Address the physical root causes of weight gain. We are able to accomplish a lot with nutrition and herbs including:
- Better digestion and absorption
- Gut balancing
- Ameliorate deficiencies
- Leaky gut
- Detox (fat & organs) boosting
- Make empowered and educated diet choices
- All natural hormonal balancing
- Added energy
- Better enzyme production
- Metabolism boosting
- Systemic anti-inflammatory therapeutic targets
These are educational sessions that are very empowering. These consults give you information you can use, and help you in setting goals into applying this information in your life daily. We work on changing how you view your relationship to food, nature, healing, the body for lasting change.
There is no such thing as perfection, we aim at making healthy decisions 90% of the time, allowing for enough room to indulge in things that are considered less healthy. You will be totally empowered to manage your own weight with our holistic mind-body-energy approach.
Applied Kinesiology
Applied kinesiology or muscle response testing is a valuable investigatory tool that many chiropractors, naturopaths and herbalists use. It allows us to communicate with the body and the unconscious mind without hypnosis. It is quick and very beneficial.
Nutritional response testing and applied kinesiology in general can uncover deficiencies, allergies and hidden emotions and beliefs. It also allows us to discover blockages and imbalances in the energy field, organs and the meridian system.
Other tools that we utilize when needed include:
Aromatherapy, homeopathy, hands-on modalities, and cranial electrical stimulation.
Regardless of your genetic predisposition, our approach utilizes what is now known as epigenetics to help your body be the best it can be! you are not a victim of your ancestors.
Our goal is solution-focused, it is not a temporary fix, we aim at deep lasting changes to how your mindbody functions.
Laser acupuncture is a unique and exciting technology that can help work off the pounds and excess body fat. Accelerate your weight loss with this unique, highly effective and safe therapy. Combined with our mental/emotional and nutritional consults, your chances of long-lasting success are higher than they have ever been, and better than any other “diet” program. Diets do not work.
You can do it, Wise MindBody Healing can help!
Time To Let The Healing begin?
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Call: (612) 444-1167
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