I am a fan of Spring Forest QiGong (SFQ). I learned SFQ back in 2010 and the practice (experience) of it helped me change my life. I went on to level 2 and 3, then I modified this practice in the years that followed incorporating elements from different healing systems, and I continue to use my own version of the QiGong practice. This is a self-healing modality.
I can say a lot about QiGong and SFQ, but that’s for another post. I’m sharing this post here to help my clients find instructional videos to learn SFQ on their own, this has now been made possible by Glenn Tobey. Visit his site to find 3 detailed videos of the SFQ practice as it is being taught in 2018: https://selfconnection.mykajabi.com/p/glenn-tobey-qigong-demos
Additionally, here’s a Google search of SFQ videos: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=vid&q=spring+forest+qigong
SFQ brought the mystical and secret practice of QiGong, simplified it, and made it accessible to everyone.
If you have health problems, weakness in the body, chronic pain, fatigue, or even depression, anxiety, cravings, and loneliness, QiGong has a good chance of helping you if you persist with it.
The mechanisms of action behind QiGong are multifactoral and work on different levels causing a positive effect in the mind and body. Whether you believe in Chinese medicine theory or not, QiGong still works.. At the least it will help you oxygenate your blood, activate the parasympathetic response in your nervous system, practice guided imagery, practice slow movement, practice paying attention to the body, relaxation, endurance, and clearing your mind, etc.
To your health.