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Wise Mindbody Healing Forms
Recommended books
Recommended business and services
Craniosacral Therapy
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis
- The products and online dispensary page
- A general longevity and anti-aging protocole
- Orthomolecular articles
- Nutrition articles
- Diet guidelines
- Supplement conversions database from usda.nih.gov
Brain health, functional psychiatry (using nutrition for mood disorders and brain function)
- Neurotransmitter Strengthening Protocol, article
- Learn about the nervous system and neurotransmitters, articles
- Psychiatric Medications
- Drug interaction checker 1, drug interactions checker 2, drug interactions checker 3
- Herb-drug interactions
- Common psychiatric drugs list (PDF doc)
Free assessments:
- Visionary vs. Integrator
- O*Net Interest Profiler online assessment
- Your love language (one of many on the internet)
Job search:
- Minnesota Jobs Search Links (government, city, and non-profits)
- Explore types of occupations and match them to your interests on O*Net https://www.onetonline.org/explore/interests
- Predictive Index, free pre-employment assessment https://www.predictiveindex.com/assessments/behavioral-assessment/
- What do you want to do for a living? https://www.mynextmove.org/
Suicide prevention:
Emergency and crisis support:
Healthcare directive (MN):
- Zero to Three, early development and well-being
- Parent Toolkit
- Parenting resources from the APA
- More4kids.info
Free medical alert cards:
FREE mental health assessment tools for mental health clinicians:
- Free assessment measures to accompany the DSM V from psychiatry.org
- DSM-5 self-rated level 1 cross-cutting symptom measure: Adults – Kids
- GAD-7
- PHQ-9
- WHODAS 12 items
- CAGE Substance Screening Tool
- Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
- The columbia scale suicide severity rating scale (c-ssrs)
- The Columbia Suicide Risk Assessment C-SSRS Lifeline Version 2014.pdf and here