This test is a quick and easy to use tool, like a magnifying glass pendant, that you can use as often as needed.
- If this test doesn’t make sense to you, ignore it. It’s not meant for everyone.
- This test is a mindfulness-based assessment
- This is an advanced technique that is suitable for those that have attained a higher degree of awareness of their thoughts, themselves, and their identity.
- If you are one of my patients and clients this might make more sense to you
- Certain preparatory work is needed to lay the groundwork of understanding and awareness for this simple test to be of use.
The Wise Thought Test in steps:
- Ask, is this empowering or is it dis-empowering? Y/N
- Ask, is this coming from consciousness? Y/N
- Ask, is this coming from the ego Y/N
You need to be able to capture the belief or thought, before you run it through this test. Additionally you need to understand the difference between your consciousness and ego.
Once you have the answers, you can use mind-body techniques with “intention”, as I taught you, to decide what to think, and how to act.
This test is not about ignoring your feelings or avoiding your truth, it is a higher level exercise for those who are able to make peace with their shadow selves, then transcend.