This simple technique utilizes eye-fixation and gazing to help you drift into a hypnosis state.
Read these things you should know about hypnosis here.
Find a quiet place to sit. Relax and get comfortable.
Create a powerful positive autosuggestion statement using the rules of creating positive suggestion statements
Relax, set your intention to be calm and take time for self-case
Uncross your arms and your legs. Take a long, slow deep breath, feeling your breath as it enters your body. As you exhale, your body releasing tension (negativity and toxins).
Now focus your eyes on something above your head, like on a spot on the wall or the ceiling. You are attempting to strain your eyes so try and keep your eyes open and focused upward as long as you can.
As you strain your eyes, slowly count backward from 100 – 1. Once you finally close your eyes, you will already be in a light level of hypnosis. Don’t worry if you get tired and don’t want to finish counting backward; that’s the idea.
As you count backward, allow yourself to drift into a state of deep relaxation.
When you get to the point where you cannot keep your eyes open, close them gently as you let your attention drift.
Optional Step: Deepening:
Once you are in the hypnotic state, deepen your hypnosis state with one of these techniques:
- Eye fractionation
- Convincers
- Counting
- Imagery
- Safe place
- Age regression
- Continued repetition
- Deep breathing
- etc.
Now you may continue with your choice of self hypnosis work such as:
- Repeat your own suggestion statement, or
- Go to your special private safe place
- Give your mind some positive suggestions that reflect the state of mind you are aiming for.
- Visualize yourself having already achieved your goals. This is called Creative Visualization.
- Tune into your body and commence healing visualization.
- Practice forgiveness.
- Tune into a discomfort in your emotions or body, follow it back in time, give it a name, explore it’s purpose, ask if it needs to remain there, and release it.
- Practice 5-path age regression
- etc.
End the session correctly (find out how here)
Find more self-hypnosis articles here.